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Hur fyller jag i 1 januari på tidrapporten?

I applied to a kassa from 4.1.2024.
I need to fill out a time report for week 1.
How do i fill out for the 1.January (New Year’s Day).
Under which category is this?
Thank you!


  • Hej!

    On your time report you fill in what you did the days before you became unemployed. For example, if you were working this is what you should fill in ("arbete"), and unemployed ("arbetslös") as of January 4th.

    If it was a full-time employment, you must fill in work even on January 1, even though it is a holiday, because it is a day for which you are paid.

    You can always send us a message in Mina sidor or call us if you want us to look at your personal case.

    Best regards,

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